Thursday 1/14/10

On Thursday's class, we opened up by talking about the earthquake in Haiti and we looked at some google earth images of Haiti and how much damage has happened. When I saw all of the little black dots and figured out that each dot was a dead person, I was breathtaken. To know that over 300,000 people died from that earthquake is scary. We could make a change to improve the conditions of that poor country.
We then continued on with our Mythbuster's lab. After working out all of the kinks, they got the two bullets to land so close together, that the naked eye thinks that the bullets hit at the same time. There are variable that effect this experiment, making it impossible to get the bullets that close. One huge variable is that each bullet does not have the exact same amount of gun powder in it. We learned how if two of the same objects fall from the same height, they will reach the ground at the exact same time even if the object is shot out of a gun.


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