Corrections Policy

Hi All,
Thanks again for a great class! I want to explain things a bit further on my offer of corrections.

In general, I will allow you to correct just about anything in this class. Under the following conditions:
  1. You seriously should consider whether you need to do the corrections. I know this is hard, but you should ask yourself "am I doing this to raise my grade, or show I really understand an important idea?" If it's to raise your grade, I would suggest that you consider not doing corrections. You will have many, many grades in this class (more than 100 a semester, in all likelihood), and one 2/4 or even a 0/4 will have almost no effect on your final grade. Seeking perfection is a recipe for unhappiness and lack of sleep.
  2. Ask yourself if you have time to do corrections. If you aren't getting 8.5 hours of sleep per night, or you're behind in something else, you probably should focus on those things first. They will have a bigger impact on your grades and happiness.

If you decide to do corrections, follow these rules:

  1. Turn your corrections in within a week after the assignment (unless you make arrangements with me).
  2. Re-do the ENTIRE assignment. Do not simply copy your old work--do it again, with fresh eyes.
  3. When you get to parts that you missed, you should ALSO write an EXPLANATION OF WHAT YOU DID WRONG (this is essential for credit).
  4. At the end of your assignment write a note specifically stating EVERYONE and EVERYTHING you collaborated with. You are forbidden from looking at another student's work if you are doing corrections. Omitting someone/something you collaborated with constitutes an honor violation.
  5. Turn in both your old and new assignment. If it seems like you copied your old work, I might not give back all the points you missed.

That's it. I reserve the right to modify this policy for specific assignments, or rescind it altogether if it is being abused.


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