Tuesday's Class

In class today, we measured the speed of a toy car. First, we measured the time it took for the car to go distances of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 meters. Then each group had to make a prediction for what the speed was going to be if we ran a trial of 2.0 meters using the previous data and setting up an equation. You had to get the slope of the information. The change in meters over the change of time. My group found that our prediction was correct and our actual results were only milliseconds off. We then measured how long the car has been traveling at different times. We found the average velocity of the car by getting the slope of the graph. We then wrote an equation to find the position of the car at any given time. This was the same equation as the slope formula. Lastly, there was a problem to find out how long it would take the car to get from Atlanta to San Diego, which is around 3,000 miles. It would take a really long time.


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